15 September 2012


Each_Day_Am_Counting I have been listening over and over again to the song "Flightless Bird, American Mouth" by Iron & Wine that you were sent me a couple days ago. I first fell in love with the melody but don't understand the lyric at all. And now i have had it on repeat since i started listening to that song. It's a great song, honestly. Can be a love song, and therefore, could be just absolutely perfect for my favorite song right now, as you said. First off, it's a beautiful song, no matter what it's the true meaning. It's seem represents our relationship in it's entirety, from start to the end for one person.... is you.

Start from my childhood and the loss of innocence. Feeling like i have no voice in the world. Called for you everywhere, trying to find the one i love, the one who could possibly be my other half. I can look everywhere, but these are places everyone has already been so i won't be able to find somebody who i think is special. Those places have already been looked in, and they're not for me.

And after searching, in all the places i thought, i find the one. Someone who evolved from my 'current state' to become exceptional, special person. Yeah, special person, who accept me for who i am. Who have an ability to communicate well about the future, what can happen to this love. Who teach me how the two lovers understand and talk to each other politely. Who appreciating each other as a true love. Who put understanding of what God want us to do as a partner. Too comfortable realizes that the relationship has changed and reconcile what we have become.

Your love made me feel like i could fly. Fly with my own life. Fly with everything that i love. Fly with my future. Fly with my dreams, passion and desire. Fly with you to the next step of life........ And i found you.

And then i sing.......

I was a quick wet boy
Diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes
Wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair
I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map
And called for you everywhere

Have I found you?
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping
Or lost you?
American mouth
Big pill looming

Now I'm a fat house cat 
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats
Curl through the wide fence cracks
Kissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean
Blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down

(Picture taken from: http://www.wallpapersweb.com)