26 October 2013


Who are the most universally admired people in our culture? Aren't they those who have a solid grasp of their own values, people who not only profess their standards, but live by them? We all respect men and women who take a stand for what they believe, even if we don't agree with their ideas about what's right or wrong, what make sense or nonsense, what could applying on the spot or take times. There is undeniable strength in individuals who congruently lead lives in which their philosophies and actions are one. Just appreciate people who put their heart and effort to the max capacity. Successful isn't given freely. We are not owed anything. Put in the blood, sweet and tears then we will have a change to taste success. Enlarge our capacity into the max. Keep our eyes beyond the finish line.                 

Ketika kita 'dipaksa' memahami & menerima semua teori bukannya action. Ketika kita diperhadapkan pada kondisi yang bersilangan dengan semua rencana yang ingin diwujudkan. Ketika kita berhadapan dengan A-Z yang notabene adalah buku yang berbicara. Ketika setiap pengalaman dijadikan tolak ukur kesuksesan & keberhasilan. Well, buat saya sih sederhana saja miliki keyakinan, kerja keras, kemampuan melihat dari sisi yang berseberangan dengan apa yang dianggap normal. Justru mampu meruntuhkan tembok tertinggi sekalipun yang menghadang di antara perjalanan itu.

Sleep well everyone....