27 December 2013
01 December 2013
Overcoming fear is essential to your success. The future belongs to the risk-takers, not the security seekers. Life is perverse in the sense that, the more you seek security, the less of it you have. But the more you seek opportunity, the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire. What have you always wanted to do, but have been afraid to attempt? Don’t be afraid to fail but be afraid not to try. Success & effort working in the same level. The more you put hardest in your effort the more you close to the success. Remember success is only for those who is ‘living in’ not ‘living out’. Don't stop now cause your breakthrough is just right around the corner. The last mile is often the longest one then keep moving forward, look for ways to pull ahead and win. Someone is about to step in and give you a break. Continue to believe in miracles and work to bring about a victory. Strengthen your faith to believe that anything is possible in every aspects in your life: relationships, career, health or finances. Your words create your world, so affirm yourself daily. Monitor your thoughts. What you think about will bring you about. Keep your mind focused on your goal. Never give up. Because, you have something special. Most people have gone as far as they want to go and they are satisfied with living a small life. But that's not you. Make up your mind to break loose and live the life you were meant to live, fueled by your passion, skills and determination. Continue to hold the vision of what you want for your life and live from your dream. Start to break the shackles of fear, procrastination and despair. Tap into your faith, relentless action and inspiration to create your greatest life. Your life matters in the greater scheme of things. You were put here to make a difference and create something original. Design a legacy worthy of your greatest self. Stay on the path and you will see something special happen.
Live your life from a place of power. Remind yourself daily, regardless of what you're facing moment to moment, that you are stronger than anything you are going through, facing, or have to handle. Refuse to operate at the level of the problems or challenges that you're facing!! Project yourself in the future, and see yourself victorious as a person who has resolved, completed and achieved your goals. Just keep your head up and your spirit strong, and continue to develop an achievement driven mindset. Tell yourself that you're going to operate at the top of your game. Apply your best thinking to the issues before you, and bulldoze your way to the top. It’s time. It’s time for you to make a tough decision. Just take one step first, began to take a deep breath. Get still. Visualize the worst case scenario. After doing that, see your self having made the decision, stepping into your personal power, becoming more courageous and stronger. It’s time buddy, Your mental well being health and happiness, off course, are dependent upon you making this decision. If you don’t do it now, you will look at yourself one day and say “Why did I waste so much valuable time?” If you don’t do it now, you will regret it, and this situation will continue to take a toll on you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically!
It’s been said that people delay making tough decisions, not because they don’t know what to do. But they really know what to do, but lack the courage and will to deal with the emotional consequences. You can do this, see it done. You are now operating from a higher place of integrity and personal power and going to the next level in your life. You deserve for the best. Be your own advocate. If you have a dream, you must be its primary cheerleader. While the support of others is helpful, appreciated and sought after, you must first believe in your goal and then encourage others to follow. If you're feeling apprehensive or unsure of your strengths and capabilities, then others will feed off of your negative self-thought. Do what you can to reassure yourself that you are talented, worthy, and have something of value to create and share. Once you believe this, you'll do more than convince others of your dream, you'll be able to help family, friends, and peers recognize the same heart and strength in themselves. Encourage yourself and feed others with your positive spirit and energy. Because everyone has Greatness within them, but first they must refuse to live a defeated life. You were born to do great things. Success can be yours. Regardless of your present situation or circumstances. Tap into the discipline, the perseverance and the mindset of determination to create a new future for yourself. Affirm to yourself that no excuse is acceptable to keep you from achieving your goal. And last but not least, surround yourself with top achievers and with people who are focused and hungry to accomplish more... to experience more and to do more with their lives. Say to yourself, everyday as you greet each new day. I have Greatness within me and you guys either. Have a very nice weekend everyone. You and i deserve to the best.
28 November 2013
Don't compare your chapter one to someone else's chapter ten. You do not compare yourself with abstract standards, but, rather, you compare yourself with people you know. To feel like a winner, you must know for sure that you are doing as well as or better than someone else. The more you know about how well the others in your field are doing, and the more favorably you compare with them, the more you will feel like a winner, and the higher your self-esteem will be.
12 November 2013
Don't give up. Remember, only looser will giving up so quickly. The most important thing is do what you have to do. finish the way you start and keep on going. Success will be the part for those who never giving up. Heaven always knows whose trying so hard and will make it real. Have a very good night everyone.
11 November 2013
05 November 2013
03 November 2013
29 October 2013
28 October 2013
Photo taken from: http://www.pbase.com/merriwolf/best_shots&page=all
27 October 2013
26 October 2013
Sleep well everyone....
23 October 2013
Running a restaurant is not as fun as it sounds & looks. It is hard work and long hours with a huge amount of pressure and stress. There is no time for a social life, i beg your pardon, yes there is no time for a social life people. And many times spent fighting with staffs that don't arrive on shift or time, example. Equipment always pranggggg most of the time, breaks down. The other day there are always angry customers, there are so many many customers really wanna be a king and 'Mr/Mrs always right'. Other days then people sending food back because of these thing or those thing. Staff that don't pay attention and lots of wastages. And this is the circumstances that we have to facing every single day, yes sure every single day. It is very important to know what we are doing and as the owner or person in charge, WE MUST ALWAYS BE THERE, AROUND OUR RESTAURANT!
To running a restaurant, we have got to have passion for this industry and know that for it to work, we have got to put in the hours. This is a guide to making our restaurant successful, to ensure that we can eliminate stress and it will help us to understand this restaurant business so that we can eventually sit back and watch business grow.
The other way, marketing is important to promote our business and we should know when our busy times are and when we need to promote our restaurant. We do not have to hire marketing people in order to this because all it takes is an attractive special to bring people are getting bored. These are things that we have to be aware of in order to market our business. Stay on top of things, keep focused on what is selling and what doesn't, who works well for us, get constant feedback from our customers and ensure that all of our staffs have our bottom line of heart.
You know guys, every single action we do even thought a simple step would be have an great impact neither for a good sake or a bad one. I've been learn these months, here we go, "Having a passion first before we doing this business will save you more, then it's will be driven us to the right way". Try it and your eyes will be open. Have a very good night everyone, sleep well :)....
14 October 2013
Don't be arrogant. A lot of people open restaurants out of vanity, people who can't even boil an egg. That's like me buying a rugby club because i like the game. One of my biggest bugbears is that we don't need any qualifications to do it. People fall in love with an idea and don't want to learn their craft, which takes years, either time and commitment. Sure you're still up for it? Oke then we go to the next step hehehe.
Well, ketika rindu melanda segala kemelankolisan berlomba-lomba menampakkan wujud. Jedingggggg, bahkan bahasa yang baru saya pelajaripun seakan-akan menjadi sah untuk digunakan tanpa tata bahasa yang pas. Ya sudahlah mari kita nikmati malam ini dengan kemelankolisan. Selamat malam. Selamat beristirahat :)
09 October 2013
Ada bungkusan yang dititipkan sang suami ke outlet kami. Setelah saya buka ternyata kue sangat cantik bergambar Eiffel Tower, cantik sekali dannnnn sempurna dimata saya. Kue yang didominasi oleh warna hijau dan pink dipadukan dengan ornamen yang lucu, membuat suasana bahagia terasa dua kali lipat. Pasangan ini merayakan ulang tahun yang ke 4 pernikahan mereka. Sungguh luar biasa, 4 tahun melewati hari-hari bersama. 4 tahun berbagi suka dan duka berdua. Dan 4 tahun ini ternyata masih diwarnai kebahagiaan.
29 September 2013
25 September 2013
24 September 2013
22 September 2013
Hal sederhana yang justru hilang empat bulan belakangan ini. Tanpa disadari ketika hari ini bisa menikmatinya lagi, justru menjadi moment berharga untuk dilewatkan begitu saja. Terima kasih Tuhan, terima kasih semesta, moment sore ini semoga menjadi titik balik untuk hari-hari kedepan.
Tidak mudah memang namun bukan berarti tidak bisa. Selama ada kemauan, selama selalu berusaha, selama masih punya keyakinan, selama masih mampu menghasilkan ide-ide kreatif, semuanya pasti akan lebih baik. Suatu hari nanti ketika perjalanan ini sudah lebih jauh dari garis awal kita memulainya, ketika kita menoleh sejenak ke belakang, kita akan menemukan pemandangan terindah dari sebuah perjuangan, menemukan arti sesungguhnya dari sebuah kesuksesan dan menikmati bentuk lain dari sebuah keberhasilan. Semangat!!!